In pain? Stop.
I did gymnastics for twenty years, so I have a very specific relationship to my body and pain. When I got injured in the past I couldn’t continue to workout because I wouldn’t perform at the level I was used to. I needed to heal as fast as possible, so I would do everything possible. I would eat well, take supplements, slow down and do physical therapy (if needed). I would say I was a pretty damn good student! I know so many people that get injured, go to PT, then don’t ever do the homework.
Life gets in the way, or we start to feel a little better and decide that it can wait. But I am here to tell you that this is the only body you have. If you decide to workout and push through the pain, take a moment and stop. Instead of ignoring the signals your body is sending you, try modifying or take a break. Maybe that HITT class is no longer serving you. Let go of the need to push, and send yourself compassion. We often get sucked into the weightless mentality, and that if we aren’t working out hard enough we won’t shed those lbs. But honestly, I didn’t shed the five pounds I wanted until I went to a nutritionist and he told me to cut my workout routine in half. WHAT? Won’t I get fat?! Apparently not. It’s about creating sustainability and longevity, and that includes not causing harm to this body we have.
This is where Pilates really comes in. I can only describe it as a hug. The type of exercise that helps heal without overdoing it. With all the ways to modify and adjust for injuries, Pilates is by far the most incredible way to stay in shape and support the body. If you haven’t tried it, check out some YouTube videos of mat pilates and start with ten minutes a day. What’s ten minutes, really?